10. Innovation in indigenous education
Today, as I begin this last blog, I am reflecting on the change it has brought about in me. At first, the idea of a publicly published blog terrified me. I wasn't sure what voice to adopt or how academic VS personal it should be. I struggled to identify topics I wanted to share. Over time, I made some progress on these fronts, uncovering new avenues of research, which linked to yet other areas of interest. Now that this course is almost done, I am struggling to choose which one of many topics I still want to explore! This has opened an interesting door for me, one that I have embraced and that I wish I had more time to devote to, currently. So, here we are, the last post (for now). I've decided to spotlight a few Canadian organizations who are innovating in education: they are bringing new knowledge to Canadian students and taking action to address the calls-to-action made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2015. The first is the University of Prince Edward Island, ...